Hebrew Quest #13 ✡ Hebrew Grammar | Hebrew History 7: Ben Yehuda & Zionism
Hebrew Quest: Get Closer To Yeshua Through Hebrew
1h 21m
Grammar 2: Gender (11 minutes, starts 00:00)
Learn the singular, plural, dual, and irregular endings of the masculine and feminine forms.
Grammar 3: Pronouns (17 minutes, starts 10:37)
Learn words like I, you, they, it, she, my, their, etc.
Grammar 4: Definite Articles (3 minutes, starts 27:29)
Learn the one-letter prefix for "the" and discover why it's pronounced two different ways and how it sometimes functions as a question mark.
Grammar 5: Prepositions (10 minutes, starts 30:36)
Learn the four one-letter prefixes indicating that something or someone is for in, like, to, or from something or someone else.
Grammar 6: Conjunctions (4 minutes, starts 41:00)
Learn the one-letter prefix for "and" and when to use the two different ways it's pronounced.
Grammar 7: Adjectives (5 minutes, starts 44:31)
Learn how describing words agree with the nouns they describe in gender, number, and definite article and get some recommendations for further resources.
Grammar 8: Syntax (3 minutes, starts 49:39)
Learn how the sentence structure of Hebrew is different than English and see for yourself how Hebrew is a dynamic, action-oriented language, right down to the word order in a sentence!
Hebrew History 7: Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (29 minutes, starts 52:32)
The story of the man who made Hebrew a modern language is miraculous - the vision in which he was called to "the revival of Israel and its language", his journey to Jerusalem, his survival of decades of tuberculosis, his wife Deborah's success raising the first Hebrew-speaking child in over a millennium. Let the fire that drove this pioneer light you up with a new passion for the holy tongue.
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